SEO Help

SEO help

You’re a business owner with a local customer base. You know the struggle: the phone isn’t ringing enough, and those contact forms aren’t getting filled out. You need more leads to keep your revenue growing; keep employees employed and to grow that family business. You need SEO help. That’s where my team and I come in. At DaGama Digital Marketing Agency, based in Greeley, we specialize in helping businesses in Northern Colorado, Denver, and across the U.S. achieve their lead generation goals through expert SEO strategies. SEO is Search Engine Optimization.



Getting your phone ringing more and getting more customers in the door for 29 years. Call our marketing agency so we can help you increase business: 970-302-6994.

Understanding SEO and Its Importance

So, what exactly is SEO? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of enhancing your online presence to rank higher in search engine results. This isn’t just about getting more website visitors—it’s about attracting the right visitors who are ready to become your customers. For local businesses, SEO is crucial. Imagine someone in Denver searching for a service you offer. If your business isn’t showing up in those search results, you’re missing out on potential leads.

SEO Help: How to Get More Leads for Your Local Business

At DaGama Digital Marketing Agency, we offer comprehensive SEO help to ensure your business ranks high for relevant local searches. This isn’t just about keywords; it’s about understanding the local market and customizing your online presence to meet those specific needs. We also set up your website to make it easy for visitors to find your phone number and/or fill out the estimate form or contact form to book an appointment.

Keyword Research for Local Businesses

One of the foundational aspects of SEO is keyword research. You might think you know what your customers are searching for, but data-driven keyword research often reveals surprising insights. We use advanced tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs (and our brains) to identify the most effective keywords for your business. But it doesn’t stop there. We also focus on long-tail keywords—phrases that might have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates because they’re specific to what your potential customers are actually searching for.

For example, instead of just targeting “plumber in Greeley,” we might optimize for “emergency plumbing services in Greeley.” This specificity can make a significant difference in the quality of leads you receive. The goal of our SEO help is to drive traffic that converts into phone calls and filled-out contact forms.

Optimizing Your Website for Local Search

Your website is your digital storefront, and it needs to be optimized for local search to attract more leads. On-page SEO is critical—this includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and using header tags correctly. At DaGama Digital Marketing Agency, we ensure that every piece of content is crafted with SEO in mind. We create locally-focused landing pages that target specific areas you serve, from Northern Colorado to Denver and beyond.

Mobile optimization is another key component of our SEO help. With so many people using smartphones to search for local businesses, having a mobile-friendly website is no longer optional—it’s essential. A fast, responsive, and easy-to-navigate mobile site can dramatically increase your chances of converting visitors into leads, whom you convert into paying customers.

Google My Business and Local Citations

One of the most powerful tools in your local SEO arsenal is Google My Business (GMB). Setting up and optimizing your GMB profile is a core part of our SEO help. We make sure your profile is complete and accurate, with up-to-date contact information, business hours, and categories. Encouraging and managing customer reviews also plays a crucial role. Positive reviews not only boost your GMB ranking but also build trust with potential customers.

Local citations are another key part of the puzzle. These are links to your business website on other websites, which help boost your visibility in local searches. At our SEO agency, we manually list your business on local directories and industry-specific websites to give your company more backlink juice. These high-quality backlinks from reputable local websites make your SEO even stronger, helping you rank higher and attract more leads. But, of course, that’s not the only thing that will contribute to getting you more phone calls and foot traffic.

Content Marketing and Continuous Improvement

Regular content updates are vital for maintaining and improving your SEO rankings. Writing helpful content about local events, sharing customer success stories, and creating how-to guides related to your services can drive traffic to your site. At our SEO agency, we provide ongoing Search Engine Optimization services by continuously monitoring and adjusting your strategy based on data from tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. We obsess about it daily.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate are critical metrics we track. We keep tweaking and improving your SEO strategy to keep up with the ever-changing digital world. This way, your business stays ahead of the competition and your phone keeps ringing with new leads.

Our SEO help is all about solving the real challenges local business owners like you face. We dig into the best keywords, fine-tune your website, manage your Google My Business profile, and create engaging content—all to help you get more leads and grow your business.

Whether you’re based in Greeley, serving Northern Colorado, or reaching customers across the U.S., DaGama Digital Marketing Agency is here to elevate your online presence. Contact us today to start turning those clicks into calls and inquiries.

Watch This Video for More SEO Help:

About the Author: Lori Gama

Lori Gama

Lori Gama is a digital marketing pioneer who founded her company: DaGama Web Studio (now called: DaGama Digital Marketing Agency) in 1995. Growing from a one-woman web studio to a 14-person digital marketing team that manages SEO, social media and Google ads for locally-owned businesses, Lori Gama innovates and increases growth for her clients, some of whom have been with her from 8 years to 27 years. Located in Greeley, Colorado, serving companies across the U.S., this Greeley marketing company gets results quickly; communicates with clients regularly and evolves marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve.